The heart of the "Fuchsbau" - The management room
View into the darkened battle command room with the two projection screens of the air target display of the "ALMAS" command system, which in principle was a computer network
for automated collection, processing, display and distribution of data in the unified system of air defense of the Warsaw Treaty armies.
In the center of the picture, the large-view display panels for general air situation information.
In the center of the picture, the large-view display panels for general air situation information.
In the left part of the hall were the automated workstations of the combat command officers.
It was a collector's view into the darkened Here was also the place of the chief of the air force/air defense of the GDR.
This area was occupied only for maneuvers,training and difficult air situations.
In the right half of the hall, the officers of the Reconnaissance and Information Center (GA-I) had their desks, on which the information on the flying objects was continuously displayed and processed.
Each workstation was equipped with its own display,keyboard and telephones.
The keyboards were used to control target display and processing, and all important target data thus automatically reached the subordinate divisions of the GDR and neighboring as well as superior command posts of the Warsaw Treaty countries,which worked with the same systems.
On additional tables in the hall were countless video monitors, the data from the mainframe system on combat-ready forces and resources, weather data, Coding tables, etc. showed.
Due to the operation of the air situation projectors, the hall was only sparsely lit.
A complete casing of the almost 10m high room with sound insulation panels provided excellent acoustics.
It was a collector's view into the darkened Here was also the place of the chief of the air force/air defense of the GDR.
This area was occupied only for maneuvers,training and difficult air situations.
In the right half of the hall, the officers of the Reconnaissance and Information Center (GA-I) had their desks, on which the information on the flying objects was continuously displayed and processed.
Each workstation was equipped with its own display,keyboard and telephones.
The keyboards were used to control target display and processing, and all important target data thus automatically reached the subordinate divisions of the GDR and neighboring as well as superior command posts of the Warsaw Treaty countries,which worked with the same systems.
On additional tables in the hall were countless video monitors, the data from the mainframe system on combat-ready forces and resources, weather data, Coding tables, etc. showed.
Due to the operation of the air situation projectors, the hall was only sparsely lit.
A complete casing of the almost 10m high room with sound insulation panels provided excellent acoustics.
After 1995:
The former leadership hall seen here in its full size.
Even the projection screens were gone.
The former leadership hall seen here in its full size.
Even the projection screens were gone.